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Taking a little break from my normal skincare post, I have been challenged my Andrea Capone to write about my lockdown Silver Linings. Andrea is passionate about travels and she shares her love for travels on her blog. My favorite post from her is about Paris

Why did I choose to write about my silver linings during this pandemic when there is a lot of chaos going on in the world? People have lost their lives, jobs, friends, colleagues, home and so many other things. It has truly been an unpredictable, crazy year.

But as the saying goes “when life hands you lemons, you make lemonades” no matter how sour the lemonades are, there is still a sprinkle of optimism. For this reason, I have chosen to write about the things I am grateful for during this lockdown. Hopefully, you will also do the same and find ways to express gratitude no matter how little it seems.

1. life and health

I am super grateful for the Life and health of every member of my family and friends. We are all hale and hearty and it is something that I cannot take for granted. I got my mum and siblings at home but Dad, on the other hand, is on lockdown in another state within the country. So we just video call, chat, laugh, and talk about the state of the country. I also helped my sisters set up their online classes using Google Classroom and they have been enjoying it so far.

2. Personal growth

My routine has pretty much been the same except Journaling. Writing journals on things I am grateful for has helped my outlook on life. Just recently, I downloaded this app called “Gratitude” on my Ipad and it sends a daily reminder. This has helped me to become mentally stronger and appreciate the very little things in life. The app also comes with affirmations that guides you on how to write affirmations in a more positive approach.

Even as an introvert, this lockdown should not affect me but it has. However, this little change of expressing gratitude changed my perspective and I am grateful for that.

3. blog growth

My blog has actively grown than I would have expected in the past couple of months. All thanks to my fellow bloggers and the writing community on Twitter that keep supporting and engaging with my content. I am grateful this Lockdown has allowed me to know different people from different parts of the world.

4. skincare

This lockdown has allowed me to know my skin better. I got lots of time to take care of myself and my skin which is all so clear and smoother than before. Even my mum pops into my room asking for my skincare routine and I just let her have it.

Apart from skincare, I have completely left my makeup box for a while, smh. I doubt I still remember how to do my eyebrows.

5. prayers

I have started praying even more often with more intent and I am grateful to God for this guidance. My mind has been calm and at peace with myself and everyone. I am even less worried than I was before and I am completely grateful for that.

These are my silver linings during this pandemic. What are yours? Let me know down in the comment section.


To continue the spread of this positivity, I am nominating 2 other people for the lockdown Silver Linings Challenge

Olivia from UKBeautyRoom

Josh from BlueCollarRising

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  1. This is such a great post and definitely one that people need to read! It can be hard to stay positive at the moment but there are definitely good things that we can focus on to make it easier x

    1. Yes it’s really hard but all in all, practicing gratitude, appreciating the little things, expressing kindness and focusing on positives help make things easier

  2. Great post here, and thanks for getting me to look at my silver linings. I’m glad you’ve been able to stay calm; that’s something I need to work on, but taking time to reflect has been helpful in that regard.

  3. I have seen a lot of bloggers doing this challenge, and I think it’s a great way to recognize the reasons that we have to be happy in the face of so much adversity. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the negativity at a time like this! After all, everywhere we turn, we find ourselves face to face with the struggles created by the virus and it’s impact on our society. It’s SO important to step back and identify the good that is still in our lives to keep our mood up.

  4. Love this post. I have stooped following the negative news going around. I just do my bit to stay stay and positive

  5. I love that you took a minute to look at your silver linings! This is a great time for spending time together as a family and doing new things; time certainly is being generous right about now.

    I have been gardening and planning out a few projects, since we have chicks that will be hatching soon, and we need a place to keep them away from the hen coop. I have also been doing a lot of cleaning, so my silver lining is having time to spend on creative projects and even time to spend on nothing. 🙂

    1. I love when you said “even time to spend on nothing” . Yes time spent on nothing is time well spent. Thank you for reading 💜

  6. Great post. I have been avoiding posts about Covid quarentine life, but this one was so positive and uplifting – I’m really glad I gave it a read! Helen

  7. I like your silver linings challenge. It’s healthy to stay focused on the positive in times like this and to show gratitude for the blessings in general. This isolation has given us all more time to use wisely and hopefully we will benefit from it in the long run!

  8. Great post! It’s so important to stay positive during this negative time. One silver lining for me has been that I have more time now to work on my writing. Thanks for sharing! 😊

  9. I think it is great to take the positives from the situation, because there are so many (even though there are a lot of negatives). I love that it has given you the chance to reflect and see your personal growth. I guess without all this happening, we would have just continued at 100mph and not appreaciate the little things in life!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

  10. I love this! Beautifully Positive! Despite on the chaos and hardship there are good things too and it sounds like you’ve embraced these well. I love that you have found more time to connect spiritually, care for your health, and work on personal growth. Wonderful! Keep Shining!! 🙂

  11. This is such a great challenge! I love the positivity and it sounds like you are doing well!

  12. I love that you found some silver linings during the pandemic. Glad that you and your family have been doing well. It is great that you have been reflecting and being thankful for things around you! AND YESSSS on the skincare part!! Haven’t used makeup all that much. Great time to take care of our skin!!!

    Nancy ♥

  13. What a beautiful post!! I just thought today to come and check your latest posts and saw that you nominated me!!! Aww thank you so much! I’m still loving your blog! I’ll write my silver linings post soon! 🙂

  14. This is such a wonderful post – it’s great to hear you were able to find your silver lining with everything that happened and continues to happen with covid-19. Thank you for sharing this positive post!

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