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The king of fruits is here and I hope you are making the most of this sweet fruit. The health benefits of mangoes are numerous and I am here to tell you all about them. Mangoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to overall wellness. Even the leaves of mangoes are not left out of these benefits.
It is the season of mangoes and these healthy nutritious fruits make eating a joyful experience. It is one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world. If mangoes have not captivated your taste buds yet, then you need to try them. It is a sweet-savoury fruit and I love it.
Mangoes are a superfruit rich in antioxidants, lots of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, A, folate, fibre, vitamin B6 and lots more. Check the site to learn more about the nutritional values of mangoes. Now let’s get to the amazing health benefits of Mangoes.

8 Health Benefits of Mangoes & Mango Leaves
1. High In Protective Antioxidants
Mangoes are packed with antioxidants such as polyphenols, phenolic acid and flavonoids that are known to be scavengers of free radicals. These antioxidants include mangiferin, catechins, anthocyanins, quercetin, gallic acid, kaempferol and benzoic acid. Among these polyphenols, Mangiferin is the most potent anti-oxidants with tremendous health-related properties such as anti-viral, anti-cancer, antidiabetic, gut-loving and antiaging effects.
2. Contains Immune Boosting Properties
Mangoes are a rich source of vitamin C. One serving of Mango contains about 50% vitamin C which is needed for immune boosting, wound healing and healthy cognition. Mango also contains copper, folate, vitamins A, E and B for immune boosts.
3. Improves Heart Health
Mango is rich in nutrients such as magnesium, potassium and vitamins which help to maintain a healthy blood flow. These nutrients help relax your blood vessels and lower blood pressure.
Research from the University of California found out that 2 cups of Mango a day had a beneficial effect on lowering blood pressure among healthy postmenopausal women, The intake of Mango helped relax blood vessels within 2 hours.
4. Aids Gut Health
Mangoes contain digestive enzymes like amylases, which help break down complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars. Mango is not only high in fibre but also in polyphenols to help modulate the gut microbiota. For instance, in the case of constipation, the presence of fibre lessens the symptoms of constipation while polyphenols decrease inflammation further reducing symptoms.
Research from Molecular Nutrition measured the effect of Mango and fibre diet on healthy individuals with chronic constipation, the result of the study showed that Mango significantly improved intestinal health than fibre alone.
5. Improves EyeSight
Rich in Vitamin A, mangoes contribute to maintaining healthy eyes and improving vision.
Mango contains a high amount of beta-carotene which is pro-vitamin A while the peel contains a high amount of Leutin, another carotenoid. Essentially, Mango is high in vitamin A which is beneficial for healthy eyes. The lack of vitamin A in the eyes is linked to dry eyes and night blindness.
6. Helps With Diabetes
Yep. Mango leaves, not the pulp help with diabetes. Although Mango pulp is known to contain a low glycemic index of about 51, the intake is still controversial for diabetics. However, soaking the leaves in hot water is helpful in lowering blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus. The leaves are known to contain anti-diabetic activity due to the presence of Mangiferin, polyphenols and other flavonoids.
You can make your Mango tea by adding 4 leaves to 1 litre of hot water. Leave to boil for 5 minutes, then allow it to cool. Take 1 cup or two a day, avoid adding sweeteners.
7. Reduce Premature Skin Aging
The antioxidants in mangoes, such as Vitamin C and beta-carotene, help protect your skin from damage caused by the sun and pollution. They also promote collagen production, which can reduce signs of aging and keep your skin looking youthful.
Mango is high in Magniferin which is known to penetrate deeply into the skin to inhibit enzymes that break down collagen and elastin to make your skin plump and youthful. Drinking mango leaves tea helps boost collagen and elastin. You may also decide to crush the leaves and place them on your skin, this will help promote skin healing.
Eating the real mango fruit on the other hand also promote antioxidation. The presence of vitamins a, b, c, e, and k keeps your skin healthy.
8. Promotes Hair Growth
Due to the presence of vitamins E and A, applying mango butter to your hair keeps your hair well hydrated. It soothes the scalp preventing hair loss, You may also apply Mango leaf extract to your hair. It contains antioxidants that protect the hair follicle from damage.
How Many Mangoes Can I Eat A Day?
Moderation is key, It is recommended to not exceed two servings a day or 1 to 2 cups a day according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Since Mango is lower in fibre and high sugar, consider mixing it with high-fibre and low-sugar fruits for a more healthy nutritious diet.
Should You Eat Mango Skin?
Mango skin or peels are edible so yes, you can eat it but care needs to be taken. Mango skin is known to contain most of the antioxidants than the fruit itself.
Aside from having a bitter taste, Mango skin is exposed to pesticides that are dangerous to human health. Consider buying organic ones if you really like to eat the skin. In addition, before eating the skin, consider whether are allergic to urushiol. Urushiol is a compound found in poison ivy or poison oak and it irritates the skin.
Side Effects Of Mangoes
Just like other fruits, over-indulgence in mango can cause side effects such as diarrhoea, stomach upset, and a spike in your blood sugar levels. So ensure you take mangoes in moderation. Daily servings of 1 or 2 mangoes are enough for the day
Incorporating mangoes into your diet is a tasty and nutritious way to boost your health. From supporting immunity to enhancing skin and heart health, the benefits of mangoes are truly remarkable.
Mangoes are delicious fruits. I particularly love them due to their sweet taste. You can take mango alone, add it to salad, juice it up or make mango leaves tea. Here are the health benefits of mango. I hope you found the post informative and indulge in the sweetness of mango today. You may also drink mango tea. If you like you can apply the tea to your skin or hair to get all the benefits.
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O wow I never knew mango’s were that healthy! Thanks for sharing this. Makes me want to get some right away (and just smelling them as well, I love that scent!)
I didnโt realise that mangos had so many benefits. Thank you for sharing all the benefits. I like mango so sounds like I need to eat more mango ha ha!
Mango is one of my favorite fruits. It tasted and smell good. Glad to know itโs amazing benefits. Thank you for sharing.
If it helps with immunity and eyesight then I need to buy mangoes.
It never ceases to amaze me how the natural world holds so many remedies and we’ve likely only just learned a fraction of what is out there. I know many Indigenous communities have know this for thousands of years and the rest of the (modern) world is playing catch up. I love mangoes but had no idea about all the significant benefits they have; especially the leaves/tea being good for diabetics!
I didn’t know it has benefits for the eyesight. I’m surprised of the great benefits it has that I didn’t know. Thank you for sharing!
Oh I love this! I didn’t know there were so many health benefits to mangos so I’ll have to add them more into my diet, haha. I’ve actually been trying to grow my hair recently so I’ll have to try this – and it’s crazy that the leaves help with diabetes too! Thank you so much for sharing x
So amazed by how many health benefits mangoes have, it’s one of my sister’s favourite fruit, so will have to let her read this x
Such an informative post! I actually just got a few mangoes so I’m now even more excited to eat them ๐