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Last updated on January 11th, 2025 at 03:33 pm
If you got sunburn and need quick relief, these 5 best homemade sunburn relief ingredients will help you heal your skin as soon as possible. A lot of us know that the long-term effects of long-term sun exposure cause skin aging, wrinkles and skin cancer but what about sunburn? Sunburn is actually the short-term damaging effects of sun exposure and UV radiation. This affects our health and how we feel about the skin.
Sunburn happens frequently, especially during the summer months. It can be really mild and sometimes severe in some cases. When you got a sunburn, the skin looks sore, red and sensitive to touch. The skin may start to peel and bake due to extreme dryness.
A lot of sunburn cases usually happen because people either forget to apply sunscreens or forget to re-apply sunscreens. Sometimes they don’t expect to be out for a long period of time and did not wear sun protection clothing. Whatever the reason is, the skin was left unprotected during the time out in the sun.
According to a cross-sectional study, people with Fitzpatrick skin type I – III are more likely to get sunburn than people with skin type IV-V.
In this blog post, I will give you the 5 best homemade sunburn relief ingredients to help heal and help your skin get back to normal.

DIY Sunburn Relief – Homemade Remedies
1. A splash of Vinegar
Although, this may seem counter-intuitive as vinegar is an acid to be dabbed on inflamed skin. Here is the thing, it is only when you use undiluted vinegar that causes problems. Before using vinegar, make sure it is well diluted in water. Vinegar contains acetic acid that helps ease inflammation and redness
How to Use:
- Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and cool water.
- Use a spray bottle to apply the mixture to the sunburned areas, or soak a clean cloth in the mixture and gently dab it onto the skin.
- Let it air dry, then follow up with a moisturizer like aloe vera or coconut oil.
2. Slices Of Chilled Cucumbers
Nothing beats the good old cucumbers for instant sunburn relief. The coolness and hydrating feeling of chilled cucumbers on the skin are quite soothing. In addition, cucumbers contain antioxidants and analgesics to promote healing. Make sure you are using chilled cucumbers, slice them and place them in affected areas. Flip the cucumbers as it gets heated up and then use the other side of the cucumber.
How to Use:
- Slice a chilled cucumber and apply the slices directly to the sunburned skin.
- Alternatively, you can blend the cucumber with aloe vera gel into a paste and apply it to the affected areas.
- Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
3. Get Cool Plain Yogurt
Hmmm, this seems like a strange sunburn relief but it works. Make sure it’s plain yoghurt, not flavoured yoghurt. Yoghurt is known to contain probiotics that heal inflamed skin. Wash your hands completely clean and apply cool plain yoghurt to the affected area. Let it stay for four to five minutes and wash completely with cool water.
How to Use:
- Apply a thick layer of plain, unsweetened yogurt to the sunburned area.
- Leave it on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse off with cool water.
- Repeat 2-3 times a day to soothe the burn and promote healing.
4. Chilled Aloe Vera Gel
I love Aloe Vera. It has wonderful benefits and it works for a lot of skincare problems. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is wonderful to relieve sunburn. Just break get the Aloe Vera plant, open the leaves and simply apply to the sunburn area. It is better if you use chilled Aloe Vera gel because it’s soothing.
How to Use:
- If you have an aloe vera plant, cut a leaf and scoop out the fresh gel. Apply it directly to the sunburned area.
- If you don’t have a plant, opt for pure aloe vera gel from the store (avoid products with added alcohol or fragrances).
- Reapply several times a day to keep the skin hydrated and cool.
5. Stay Hydrated
Old but goodie. Drink plenty of water to replenish the lost liquid in the body. Sunburn leads to severely dehydrated skin, so make sure you stay hydrated.
How to Do It:
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day, more if you’re experiencing significant sunburn.
- Consider hydrating with electrolyte-rich beverages like coconut water or sports drinks to replenish lost minerals.
What Happens After Sunburn Relief
A lot of people mostly ignore this part and it is very important. When sunburn is relieved, you may see several skin problems such as dehydration, peeling, flaking and even hyperpigmentation splotches. This discolouration if not well taken care of will be there for a very long time.
To avoid having these skin problems after sunburn relief, it is strongly advised that you follow the following steps
1. Avoid Sun Exposure
Until the symptoms of the sunburn are relieved, do not expose your skin to direct sunlight especially if you are experiencing peeling or dehydrated skin. Wear loose clothing that protects your skin and always apply your sunscreens if you have to go out.
2. Use Fragrance-Free Hydrating Lotions
Fragrance-free lotions are much better than applying heavy creams or oils that could cause skin occlusion. Use lotions that contain Niacinamide, lactic acid, ceramides, hyaluronic acids, and colloidal oats. These actives soothe and repair the skin.
3. Avoid Exfoliating The Skin
This is not the time to exfoliate your skin. Avoid brushing, microdermabrasion, chemical and physical exfoliation and allow the skin to calm down. Exfoliating may increase blood flow and that is not good for sunburned skin.
4. Avoid Massage
The last thing an inflamed skin needs is anything that will increase blood flow. Massaging the skin will stimulate blood flow. The skin is already red and blood vessels are dilated so be patient and allow the skin to heal before any massage.
5. Wear Sunscreen
The last and most important piece of advice is to wear your sunscreen wherever you are. Sunscreen is the best protection your skin needs. Also, avoid unnecessary sun exposure, especially during the hours of 10 am and 4 pm when the UV intensity is high.
Summer is here already and it is important to always protect yourself. Do not forget to wear sunscreens when going out. Always have a bottle of water with you for proper hydration. And if you have mild sunburn, just follow the tips above. However, if your sunburn is severe, a trip to the dermatologist will definitely help.
What are your thoughts about sunburn and what ways do you heal your skin after sunburn? Let me know in the comment box below.
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I prefer to eat my yogurt cucumbers, and drink my vinegar, but I had no idea external application could be so healing to sunburn and the skin! My go-to sunburn heal is coconut oil; a little of that rubbed into the burn and it is gone the next day.
Thanks for sharing a wholesome reminder to drink water and for some natural sunburn recovery techniques. 🙂
Interesting because I didn’t know coconut oils works on sunburn… thanks for your input. ☺️
I’m pale and freckly so I burn really easily. I just avoid it above all.
Cool tips! I didn’t know you could use vinegar for treating sunburn.
Yessssss!!!!!! Get hydrated, cucumber, and aloe Vera gel are the best for sunburn relief. Thank you for sharing.
I know about the yoghurt one. But I just usually put some sort of body lotion, body butter and or body oil. Thank you for sharing.
Great tips! I hadn’t heard of a lot of these (like the vinegar) so this was incredibly helpful. Thanks for sharing!
As someone who burns within a few minutes of sun exposure (or even overcast days depending on the UV, etc) this is so useful. I usually avoid the sun or completely cover up but there are sometimes moments when some part of me gets burned — thanks for sharing!
Really helpful post! I got a sunburn last week cause it was not that sunny and forgot to reapply sun cream.
I did not know about the cucumbers but it sounds reliefing. I used moisturising creams to help my body calm down and get hydrated. Fortunately I was not in pain.
Your advices can definitely help someone. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Great post at this time of year! I prefer to stay out of the sun but if I do get caught, aloe in the fridge is a great idea.
Corinne x
I am about to go to the beach so this was a perfect read for me. Thanks for sharing all these tips and tricks!
These are great tips! I’m really paranoid about sun exposure and wear TONS on suncream because of my tattoos – but I will definitely keep these in mind xx
Ahh I never knew vinegar can be a treatment! Or cucumbers for that matter. I burn quite easily so I slather myself in cream before I go out. I’ll make sure to try vinegar next time I’m burnt 🙂
Oooh I wasn’t aware of a lot of these things helping sunburn but thank you for sharing! The vinegar tip is a good one!
I’m with you about the aloe. It’s my go-to for sunburn when our boys refuse to wear their sunscreen! Thanks for the other suggestions, too.
Vinegar? Who’s of thought that? Thanks for the tips, they’ll come in very handy. Thank you.
Love all of these tips and being quite pale these will come very useful! I knew about aloe vera gel, but vinegar and yogurt are new to me! Will share these with my parents as they travel a lot in summer to Sicily, and it’s easy to get sunburnt! x
These are really helpful tips. I’ve always had a warm shower to help take the sting away and make it less sore to touch.
Wow! Some excellent tips here I hadn’t thought of before! Thanks for sharing!
Oh wow! The first point surprised me! Who knew that vinegar would be a sunburn relief! I usually do aloe because it makes my skin feel so cool. Plain yogurt sounds like a lovely option too. Thanks for sharing xx
Lynn |
Great post with amazing tips. I personally like to use aloe vera gel when I get sunburnt. Thank you for sharing these other tips.